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Am Heart J, 102 Aug;124(2):544-9

Magnesium deficiency and sudden death

Mark J. Eisenberg, MD, MPH San Francisco, Calif.


Over the past three decades, a variety of epidemiologic, autopsy, clinical, and animal studies have suggested an association between magnesium (Mg) deficiency and sudden death. This association may have far-reaching implications, because sudden death continues to be a major cause of cardiovascular mortality in the United States and accounts for over 300,000 deaths per year.1, 2 Early studies showed an inverse relationship between drinking water content and cardiovascular disease incidence,3, 4 but much of this relationship was subsequently shown to be the result of an association between water hardness and sudden death.5 A number of water-borne minerals were examined as potential cardiotoxic or cardioprotective factors, and over the past few decades a consensus has emerged that low Mg content in drinking water is associated with high rates of sudden death.

Magnesium metabolism

Distribution and measurement. After potassium, Mg is the most common intracellular cation. It is an important component in a variety of biologic processes, and it is critical for the actions of many enzymes. Mg is distributed throughout the body as follows: approximately two thirds is located in bone, close to one third is intracellular, and the rest is extracellular.6, 7 A 70 kg adult contains about 2000 mEq of Mg (1 mEq = 0.5 mmol = 12 mg), and normal serum values vary between 1.5 and 2.5 mEq/L.8

Because the blood contains less than 1% of total body Mg stores, serum Mg is poorly reflective of whole body levels. However, although normal serum levels may be seen in the setting of Mg deficiency, if serum levels are low, Mg deficiency is usually present.7-9 Sophisticated means have been developed to assess total body Mg stores,7, 10 but these techniques are not commonly available, and they have been used in very few studies.

Nutritional sources. The body’s Mg requirements have been estimated to range from 18 to 33 mEq/day, while average intake in the United States has been estimated to range from 20 to 30 mEq/day.6-7, 11 Because average intake is so close to requirement levels, nutrition surveys suggest that dietary Mg is often barely adequate to meet daily requirements.11, 12 Foods rich in Mg include nuts, cereals, seafoods, and green leafy vegetetables.8, 13 Boiling these foods in Mg-deficient soft water may leach out Mg, while boiling in Mg-rich hard water may prevent its loss.14 In addition, gut absorption of water-borne Mg may be more efficient than that of food-borne Mg. Consequently, Mg bioavailability may be greater from water than from food sources.15 Because of the marginal intake and absorption of Mg from food sources, it has been estimated that in hard water areas, 20% to 40% of a person’s daily Mg requirements may be provided by the Mg contained in drinking water.16

Water hardness. Magnesium and calcium (Ca) are the principal minerals that determine water hardness, but the proportions of these minerals may vary substantially.17 In North America, Mg:Ca ratios generally range from 1:1 to 1:5, but in certain areas of Western Europe, they may be two orders of magnitude lower.18 Knowledge of Mg and Ca contributions to water hardness is important when assessing studies relating Mg deficiency and sudden death. In many of the early epidemiologic studies, exact mineral content was not reported, and this presents a problem when trying to evaluate these studies.

Magnesium deficiency and sudden death

Epidemiologic studies. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, evidence began to accumulate documenting striking geographic differences in the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease was shown to be more common in areas with increased mineral content in drinking water. The relationship was first described by Kobayashi3 in Japan, and shortly thereafter by Schroeder4 in the United States. Kobayashi’s findings related stroke incidence and the acidity of river water. Schroeder subsequently analyzed regional incidences of cardiovascular disease and found an inverse relationship with water hardness.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, Anderson et al.5, 19 conducted a series of studies in Ontario, Canada. Since there is a gradient of water hardness across Ontario, these investigators examined the incidence of acute and nonacute ischemic heart disease in hard and soft water areas. Little relationship was found with nonacute heart disease, but an inverse relation ship was found between water hardness and sudden death. In hard water areas (water hardness >200 ppm), the standardized death rate from ischemic heart disease was 365 in 100,000, and 120 in 100,000 of these deaths were sudden. In soft water areas (water hardness <100 ppm), the death rate was 416 in 100,000, and 195 deaths in 100,000 were sudden. Among deaths ascribed to heart disease, the proportion of sudden deaths was 20% to 30% higher in soft water areas compared with death rates in hard water areas.

Following these early reports, epidemiologic studies in a number of countries confirmed the inverse relationship between drinking water hard ness and sudden death, while a few reports found no correlation.20-27 (The lack of correlation between water hardness and sudden death in several reports was later explained by the inclusion of hard water areas with unusually low Mg concentrations.) Although analytical techniques were different among the studies, several found similar correlation coefficients between water hardness and cardiovascular disease (-0.59 to -0.70), and others found that cardiovascular mortality or sudden death was at least 10% more common in soft water areas than in hard water areas.

Once a relationship between water hardness and sudden death was established, investigators examined whether it was the result of a cardiotoxic factor in soft water or a cardioprotective factor in hard water. Initially, a cardiotoxic factor was suspected, because it was known that soft water can leach out undesirable minerals from pipes and geologic layers.28 No strong correlations were found when a variety of minerals was examined, however, and a cardioprotective factor began to be suspected. Many elements were investigated, with attention focusing on Mg and Ca because of their importance in deter mining water hardness. Mg was found to correlate most closely (in an inverse fashion) with sudden death rates.29, 30

Autopsy studies. Autopsy data were next examined in an effort to link intracellular Mg levels with drinking water intake and sudden death. Investigators were particularly interested in myocardial Mg content. Anderson et al.31 examined myocardial tissue from people dying of trauma in hard and soft water areas. Myocardial Mg content was significantly lower in people living in soft water areas compared with levels in people living in hard water areas (207 versus 222 µg/gm wet weight, respectively). These differences in Mg content were only found in myocardial tissue samples; they were not present in serum samples or in tissue samples from diaphragm or pectoralis muscle.16

A series of studies also examined myocardial Mg content in people dying of sudden death and in controls who died of trauma (Table I).32-37 These studies consistently showed depressed levels of myocardial Mg in people who died suddenly. Although it is clear that myocardial Mg content is decreased after sudden death, it is still unclear whether this is a cause or an effect.

Table I.

Animal and clinical studies. In conjunction with epidemiologic and autopsy studies, animal and clinical studies were also conducted. These studies suggest two possible mechanisms for the association between Mg deficiency and sudden death: arrhythmogenesis and coronary artery vasospasm. According to the arrhythmogenesis theory, Mg deficiency in creases cardiac irritability and facilitates cardiac arrhythmias.38 Experimental studies show that Mg is an essential cofactor for Na-K adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), an enzyme that influences cardiac irritability by regulating ion fluxes across myocardial cell membranes. Clinical reports40-42 suggest that Mg deficiency is linked with cardiac rhythm disturbances including premature ventricular beats, ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias, and torsades de pointes. These studies also suggest that Mg deficiency lowers the threshold for digitalis-toxic arrhythmias,43 and that intravenous Mg can acutely reverse cardiac rhythm disturbances in some situations.44-46

A second proposed mechanism is that Mg deficiency causes coronary artery vasospasm, leading to myocardial ischemia and sudden death. Evidence comes from several animal studies47-49 in which vasospasm was induced by Mg-deficient solutions and vasospasm subsequently resolved with the addition of Mg. Other studies50, 51 have documented pathologic changes in the heart associated with Mg deficiency, and these changes have been linked with chronic myocardial ischemia. Although these studies suggest that coronary artery vasospasm induced by Mg deficiency may be responsible for sudden death, complementary clinical data are lacking.

Magnesium supplementation. The large number of studies that suggest an association between Mg deficiency and sudden death raise the issue of whether Mg supplementation can be used for the primary prevention of sudden death. Several methods of supplementation have been proposed including: public education to change dietary habits, addition of Mg to community water supplies, fortification of foods, and oral supplementation. Before supplementation can be considered, however, several questions need to be answered: (1) Will Mg supplementation reduce the risk of sudden death? (2) How much time is required before the effects of such supplementation are evident? (3) What is the optimal method of supplementation? and (4) Is supplementation technically and financially feasible?

Risk reduction. Can Mg supplementation be used for the primary prevention of sudden death? Although no studies have addressed this question directly, a number of double-blind, placebo-con trolled trials have examined the use of Mg supplementation for secondary prevention. These studies examined the efficacy of intravenous Mg supplementation in patients hospitalized after myocardial infarction (Table II).52, 58 Most of these studies indicate that intravenous Mg decreases the incidence of cardiac arrhythmias and overall mortality after acute myocardial infarction. Although intravenous Mg supplementation may be useful in patients at high risk for ventricular arrhythmias, little research has been directed at supplementation in people with long standing but mild Mg deficiency (as might be expected in people living in soft water areas). Nevertheless, results from the early epidemiologic studies5, 22 suggest that sudden death rates in soft water water areas are at least 10% greater than sudden death rates in hard water areas. If Mg supplementation causes even a modest decrease in sudden death rates a substantial number of lives might be saved.

Table II.

Timing of supplementation. If Mg supplementation decreases the risk for sudden death, how long will it take before the effects are seen? Then answer to this question will have an impact on the choice of supplementation methods and the length of time supplementation will need to be maintained. If sudden death is related to intracellular Mg depletion, then supplementation might be able to reverse the situation rather quickly. If sudden death is related to pathologic changes caused by chronic Mg deficiency, then supplementation may have to be given for many years before a change in death rates is observed. One study59 addressed this question tangentially by observing changes in death rates following a change in the source of community water supplies and coincidental increases in drinking water hardness. Within a few years of drinking water changes, reductions in death rates were evident. This study did not quantify the Mg content of the drinking water, however, and overall cardiovascular mortality was assessed rather than sudden death. No interventional trials have yet addressed this issue.

Methodology. What is the best method of increasing Mg intake? One method is public health education to increase the use of Mg-rich hard water for drinking and cooking. Health education could be used to discourage the use of water softeners to treat water used for drinking and cooking. (Conventional water softeners remove natural Mg.) At the same time, the consumption of Mg-rich food and water could be encouraged.

A second method of supplementation is the addition of Mg to community water supplies, similar to fluoridation. If Mg content in soft water areas could be raised to levels found in hard water areas, a drop in sudden death rates would be strong evidence that supplementation makes a difference.

A third method of increasing Mg intake involves the fortification of foods. In Finland, substitution of Mg for part of the sodium in table salt was shown to be a safe way of increasing Mg intake, and this substitution was associated with an increase in serum Mg.60 Sudden death rates could not be examined in this study because of the small number of patients investigated.

Finally, oral Mg supplementation has been suggested for people at high risk of sudden death. This type of supplementation would be similar to potassium supplementation for cardiac patients who are receiving diuretics. The advantages of oral supplementation over other methods are that it is cheap and that it can be easily targeted at high-risk groups. In addition, oral Mg has long been prescribed by clinicians who were influenced by the early epidemiologic studies. With the exception of hypermagnesemia in patients with renal failure, few adverse effects have been reported. Although large-scale clinical trials have not yet been attempted, the long history of oral Mg supplementation testifies to its safety.

Feasibility. Is Mg supplementation feasible? Public health education to increase Mg intake is unlikely to be controversial, but the questions of how to supplement Mg and in whom remain unanswered. Large-scale Mg supplementation of community water supplies is impractical because of technologic and political obstacles.18, 61 Fortification of foods is technically feasible and would be less controversial, since many foods are now fortified with vitamins and minerals. To date, however, oral Mg is the best studied of the alternatives and might well be the most feasible initial intervention. Patient acceptability, low cost, and the possibility of targeting high-risk groups make this an easy method to implement and monitor.

Conclusions. Substantial evidence suggests that Mg deficiency is associated with sudden death, but most data come from observational rather than interventional studies. Proof that Mg supplementation reduces the risk of sudden death is needed before efforts to increase Mg intake are undertaken. Sufficient data have accumulated to justify a large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial for the primary prevention of sudden death. If such a study demonstrates that Mg supplementation reduces both sudden death and overall mortality rates, then large-scale efforts may be warranted.

Summary. A link between Mg deficiency and sudden death is suggested by a substantial number of studies published over the past three decades. Data come from epidemiologic, autopsy, clinical, and animal studies. They suggest that: (1) Sudden death is common in areas where community water supplies are Mg-deficient. (2) Myocardial Mg content is low in people who die of sudden death. (3) Cardiac arrhythmias and coronary artery vasospasm can be caused by Mg deficiency and (4) Intravenous Mg reduces the risk of arrhythmia and death immediately after acute myocardial infarction. Because of these data, Mg supplementation has been proposed as a possible method of reducing the risk of sudden death. Suggested ways of supplementing Mg include public education to change dietary habits, addition of Mg to community water supplies, fortification of foods, and oral supplementation. Despite the substantial number of studies linking Mg deficiency with sudden death, no prospective studies have yet investigated whether large-scale Mg supplementation is useful for the primary prevention of sudden death.

I thank Mr. John Marier (National Research Council of Canada), Dr. Dade Moeller (Harvard School of Public Health), and Dr. Kenneth Flegel (Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University) for many helpful suggestions.


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From the Cardiology Division of the Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco.

Received for publication Dec. 30, 1991; accepted March 3, 1992.

Reprint requests: Mark J. Eisenberg, MD, Moffitt-Long Hospital/Box 0214, University of California, 505 Parnassus Ave., San Francisco, CA 94143.

This page was first uploaded to The Magnesium Web Site on August 22, 2002