Mg Water

The Magnesium Web Site


Healthy Water
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  Online Library

The Magnesium Online Library
The Magnesium Online Library More

Center for Magnesium Education & Research, LLC

Magnesium Symposium at Experimental Biology 2010

Program Announcement, April 24, 2010, Anaheim Convention Center

Featured Editorial from Life Extension Magazine, Sept. 2005:

How Many Americans Are Magnesium Deficient?

Complete Book by
Dr. Mildred S. Seelig:

Mg Deficiency in the Pathogenesis
of Disease

Free ebook
edited by Robert Vink and Mihai Nechifor
University of Adelaide Press

Magnesium in the Central Nervous System

John Libbey Eurotext

Magnesium Research
Archives, 2003-Present

The legal battle for recognition of the importance of dietary magnesium:

Legal documents

Healthy Water Association

HWA Button Healthy Water Association--USA
AHWA Button Arab Healthy Water Association



Ray Tackaberry, Successor Librarian
P.O. Box 1417
Patterson, CA 95363

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Are you getting enough magnesium to keep yourself healthy?

"According to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (1977) there have been more than 50 studies, in nine countries, that have indicated an inverse relationship between water hardness and mortality from cardiovascular disease. That is, people who drink water that is deficient in magnesium and calcium generally appear more susceptible to this disease. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences has estimated that a nation-wide initiative to add calcium and magnesium to soft water might reduce the annual cardiovascular death rate by 150,000 in the United States." ( Dr. Harold D. Foster , " Groundwater and Human Health," Groundwater Resources of British Columbia, Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks and Environment Canada, pp 6.1-6.3 (reprint), 1994.

Pages 440 through 447 of the Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee of the National Academy of Sciences, 1977

Is the RDA for Magnesium Too Low? From the 1996 FDA Science Forum. Abstract.

Links to over 300 articles discussing magnesium and magnesium deficiency.

To go directly to a specific category, click on an item in the list below.

Some of the conditions magnesium may be useful in treating or preventing are:

Articles are listed under one heading only.
Many of them cover more than one subject.
Use the search to find additional articles on your subject.

Medical Journal Articles

Dr. Mildred Seelig

Dr. Jean Durlach

Dr. Michael Shechter

Dr. William J. Rowe

(Dr. Rowe has linked the cardiovascular complications of space flight with magnesium deficits)

(We will be adding more articles to this section.) 05/11/04

Reports from WHO (World Health Organization):

Magnesium in Drinking Water

Magnesium-rich water sources

red arrowred arrowred arrow Call for papers--previously published or original

GO TO Page 2, The Magnesium Web Site

Information on magnesium!
Magnesium links!
Books about magnesium!

Attention major bottlers, such as
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Perrier, Gallo, and Odwalla

Adobe Springs Water Co. has 50,000,000 gallons per year of magnesium rich mineral water available for bottling, containing 110 mg of magnesium per liter. Location: Central California, at 19000 Del Puerto Canyon Road, Patterson, CA 95363. Licensed by the California Department of Health since 1992. Tastes great!

CONTACT: Ray Tackaberry, Successor Librarian, at (408) 897-3023 or email to

Consumers can take FREE magnesium rich water at the Free Spigots at the Adobe Springs, 24/7 except Saturday, at 19000 Del Puerto Canyon Road, Patterson, CA 95363. Take as much as you like. Free water may not be sold. There's a street light at the Free Spigots for night loading.


Tel: (408) 897-3023
Fax: (408) 897-3028

The number of visitors to this page beginning September 29, 1995 is:

The Magnesium Web Site was first uploaded on September 29, 1995

The Magnesium Web Site is owned and funded by the Adobe Springs Water Company.